While we may not be having the workplace parties this holiday season, it’s still a time of temptations. Sugary drinks and treats are part of the holiday tradition, but they can wreak havoc on your smile. Dr. Bruce Spink of Spink Dentistry, a dentist in Birmingham, AL, explains how you can keep your mouth healthy this holiday season.
Avoid Too Many Sweets
Candy canes, cookies, and many other treats are prevalent over the holiday season. Hard candies can break or chip teeth if you bite down too hard or at the wrong angle. You don’t want to have sugar lingering on your teeth all holiday either. If you’re snacking on sweets, make sure you rinse out your mouth with some water when you’re done. If you have the family at your house, go to brush your teeth after for more of a benefit.
You Aren’t a Nutcracker
Nuts are another popular food during the holiday season. Unlike all the sweets, nuts contain protein and other helpful nutrients. But they can still damage your teeth. Shells of nuts have to be cracked to consume the inside. It can be tempting to make a contest of cracking nuts with your teeth, or impatience if someone else is using a nutcracker. Avoid the temptation. You don’t want to rush to our office for an emergency dental crown.
Open Packages With Scissors
When the kids are opening presents, they want to dig in and start playing with their toys right away. But toys usually come with a lot of frustrating plastic packaging. When they’re excited and ready to play, it’s tempting to just rip open things with your teeth, but this can cause some serious damage. Keep a pocketknife or a pair of scissors handy instead.
Keep to Your Oral Healthcare Routine
Though travel will be limited this holiday season, there’s still a shakeup in your usual routine. This can make it hard for you to remember to follow a normal oral healthcare routine. Who wants to brush and floss when the holiday excitement or exhaustion is upon them? However, it’s important that you try to keep to your routine. If it helps, set alarms on your phone to make sure you’re getting your brushing in twice a day.
Schedule a Post-Holiday Checkup
Preventative care consists of dentist visits along with everything you do at home. Make sure you have a dentist appointment scheduled after the holiday season. This is a great way to see if your holiday festivities have caused problems with your oral health. An expert eye and dental x-rays allow us to see things you may not notice.
Your Birmingham, Alabama Dentist
Get your holiday checkup scheduled ahead of time so you’re ready. Call us or schedule an appointment online.