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How Can Dr. Spink Help Me Stop Snoring?

Many people — and by association their sleep partners — suffer from the effects of snoring. More than just a nuisance, it’s often a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The most common treatment for OSA is a CPAP machine,…

Teeth Whitening Vs. Porcelain Veneers

When you go to your Birmingham, AL dentist looking for a whiter smile, professional teeth whitening and porcelain veneers are the top two options. But what’s the difference and what’s the better one for your case? Dr. Bruce Spink of…

Keep Your Mouth Healthy This Holiday Season

While we may not be having the workplace parties this holiday season, it’s still a time of temptations. Sugary drinks and treats are part of the holiday tradition, but they can wreak havoc on your smile. Dr. Bruce Spink of…

5 Foods You Should Avoid

Brushing, flossing, and visiting the dentist regularly are all essential to maintaining oral health. But your diet plays more of a part in it than you may realize. Dr. Bruce Spink, a dentist in Birmingham, AL, highlights some foods you…

Dental Implants: What to Know

There are many options out there to replace missing teeth. Why should you choose dental implants over the others? Dr. Bruce Spink of Spink Dentistry discusses what you need to know about Birmingham, AL dental implants. What are Dental Implants?…

Why You Should Choose Spink Dentistry

At Spink Dentistry, we pride ourselves on providing high-quality dental care to all of our patients. With a wide variety of dental services to choose from, we strive to offer solutions for any dental concern you bring to our office.…

3 Cosmetic Dentistry Solutions for Summer

Now that it is summer, many patients are ready to make some changes to their smiles. As your trusted cosmetic dentist in Birmingham, AL, we are happy to provide a variety of cosmetic services to help patients achieve the best…

FAQ: All About Invisalign

Many of our patients visit our office looking for solutions to straighten their smiles. One of our most commonly recommended cosmetic dentistry solutions is Invisalign. As your trusted dentist in Birmingham, AL, we wanted to provide you with some additional…

Why You Should Schedule Your Next Dentist Appointment

Many of our patients have canceled or postponed their preventative dentistry appointments due to the coronavirus pandemic. At this time, we are open to seeing all patients both new and existing. As your trusted dentist in Birmingham, AL, we want…

Healthy Snacks for Healthy Smiles

Many of our patients often ask us if we have any smile-friendly snack suggestions. While many snacks can be tough on your teeth, others actually make your teeth stronger and healthier. As your trusted dentist in Birmingham, AL, we want…