Birmingham AL Dentist Office Blog

Everything You Need To Know About Halitosis

Suffering from bad breath? Birmingham dentist Dr. Bruce Spink may be able to help treat your dental concerns. Bad breath can have detrimental effects on your social life; it is important to have your teeth examined to determine if your…

Planning Your First Visit To Spink Dentistry

Spink Dentistry is a caring, dedicated dental practice located in Birmingham, AL. Dr. Bruce Spink is an experienced family and cosmetic dentist who values the needs of each of his patients and is dedicated to providing quality dental care in…

Everything You Need To Know About Gum Disease

Did you know that the health of your teeth can be affected by the health of your gums? Vestavia Hills dentist Dr. Bruce Spink looks for the signs of gum disease during your dental exam. What is gum disease? Gum…

Raising Awareness for Oral Cancer

April is National Oral Cancer Awareness Month. Dentist Dr. Bruce Spink knows that early intervention can save lives. Oral cancer is often fatal because it goes undiagnosed until the late stages. Getting screened every 6 months can help catch oral…

Dental Care to Reverse Aging

Aging can take a toll on your smile. As we age our teeth may experience changes making our smiles look older than we feel. Our Birmingham AL dentist office Spink Dentistry offers a range of cosmetic dental treatments that can…

Restore Your Smile With Restorative Dentistry

Birmingham AL dentist Dr. Bruce Spink offers restorative dentistry for your healthiest and most natural smile. Today’s restorative dentistry is more natural looking, comfortable and longer lasting than ever before. With modern technology and Dr. Spink’s advanced training, our dentist…

The Signs of Teeth Grinding

If you experience consistent tenderness or pain in your jaw, ears, or have frequent headaches, you may be grinding your teeth. Frequent teeth grinding or jaw clenching can cause damage to your smile, and is a leading cause of temporomandibular…

Give The Gift Of A Healthy Smile

The winter holiday season is a time to celebrate with your friends and family. Many of our Spink Dentistry patients exchange gifts this time of year, and we would like to suggest giving the gift of a beautiful smile! Birmingham…

Same Day Dentistry

E4D dental technology has revolutionized the way Spink Dentistry is able to preform restorative dentistry treatments. What once took weeks, now may be completed in just one visit to our Birmingham, AL dentist office. Custom porcelain dental crowns can now…

Spooky Plaque

The scariest part of Halloween is the damage all that candy does to your teeth! Spooky plaque feeds off sugar, allowing it to rapidly spread and take over your mouth. Plaque buildup can cause gum disease, bad breath, sensitive teeth,…